Spacetime Pitch Competition

Spacetime Pitch Competition

Founders Ali Salman and Bekhruz Nuriddinov gave their pitch at the Spacetime Social Pitch Competition on April 13th at the University of San Diego, Knauss School of Business, alongside Dylan Fitzpatrick who was there representing his student-run Venture Capital fund....
Big Data Hackathon 2022

Big Data Hackathon 2022

In this year’s Big Data hackathon, DiLab members, Griffin You, Dylan Fitzpatrick, Nhat Huynh, and their team members Jaxon Hill and Duong Lu, took home first place as the “Best Overall Project”! Their project presented their solution Cenos AI, a cloud-based...
Digital Mindfulness Arises in Modern-Day Life

Digital Mindfulness Arises in Modern-Day Life

As digital technology arises as an essential part of modern-day life, it is critical that users maximize the value of digital technology while avoiding negative consequences. Melissa Klase, Oliver Connors, and Kaveh Abhari emphasize digital mindfulness while proposing...
Best Paper Nominee: “Employees First”

Best Paper Nominee: “Employees First”

‘Employees First’: The Relationship between Employee Experience Management Systems and Customer Experience Management One of our papers at #AMCIS 2021; Best Paper nominee, Top 25% AMCIS Paper; thanks to Arsham Sanavi, Jennifer Ly, and Marina...
Toward a Theory of Digital Mindfulness

Toward a Theory of Digital Mindfulness

We’re happy to share that our paper, ‘Toward a Theory of Digital Mindfulness: A Case of Smartphone-based Self-monitoring,’ has received the best paper award from HCI International 2021.  Congratulations and thanks to our current and former...
Redefining the Limits of Open Innovation

Redefining the Limits of Open Innovation

Redefining the limits of Open Innovation, Nan Su and Summer McGuckin conduct a systematic literature review on the downsides of openness. By examining the different models of open innovation from Open Source to Social Product Development, the team hopes to develop...