Rosabel Ibrahim, a first-year student at San Diego State University majoring in Information Systems, has a strong passion for technology and its potential to drive innovation. Rosabel has recently embarked on an exciting journey as a research intern at the Digital Innovation Lab. Within the lab, Rosabel has been actively involved in the Data Swagger project, which focuses on the critical importance of data science literacy for employees in our increasingly digital and data-driven world. Her role has been instrumental in driving the project, as she meticulously reevaluated and polished the study. By conducting extensive research and incorporating the latest findings and insights, Rosabel has added depth and relevance to the study’s content. Coming from an international background, Rosabel faced unique challenges. However, her determination and commitment have propelled her towards remarkable achievements during her first year at SDSU. Working alongside the DiLab team has not only enriched her knowledge of technology but also provided her with a platform to make significant contributions. Looking forward, Rosabel aspires to continue contributing to the realm of technological innovation at the Digital Innovation Lab.